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What is SMT machine casting

Classification:Company news Release time:2023-12-15 584 hits

SMT machine throwing will have a series ...

SMT machine throwing will have a series of negative effects on the production process and product quality, as follows:

Reduced production efficiency: Throwing material can cause the patch speed to slow down, which affects the efficiency of the entire production line. Additional time is required to troubleshoot and fix throw issues, which further reduces productivity.

Damage to product quality: Due to the failure of components to be properly placed, poor solder joints on the circuit board may result, affecting the performance and reliability of the electronic device.

Equipment wear and tear: Throwing may cause wear or damage to parts such as the mouthpiece and feeder of the mounter, requiring more frequent maintenance and replacement.

Component waste: Throwing materials may cause damage or loss of components, increase production costs and waste resources.

Increased labor costs: Additional labor is required to troubleshoot and repair throw issues, which increases labor costs.
