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The main reason of the material throwing machine

Classification:Company news Release time:2023-04-16 822 hits

The main reasons and countermeasures of ...

The main reasons and countermeasures of throwing material:

Cause 1: suction nozzle problem, suction nozzle deformation, blockage, damage caused by insufficient air pressure, air leakage, resulting in suction can not pay, take material is not correct, identification through and throwing material.

Countermeasures: clean and replace the nozzle;

Cause 2: identification system problems, poor vision, visual or laser lens is not clean, there is debris interference recognition, improper selection of identification light source and intensity, gray level is not enough, and the identification system may be broken.

Countermeasures: Clean and wipe the surface of the recognition system, keep it clean and free of debris, adjust the intensity and gray level of the light source, and replace the parts of the recognition system;

Cause 3: The location problem, the material is not in the central position of the material, the material height is not correct (generally 0.05MM after touching the part) and caused by the deviation, the material is not correct, there is deviation, the identification does not match the corresponding data parameters and is abandoned as invalid material by the identification system.

Countermeasures: adjust the taking position;

Panasonic CM88 nozzle reason 4: vacuum problem, insufficient air pressure, vacuum pipe channel is not smooth, there is a guide to block the vacuum channel, or vacuum leakage caused by insufficient air pressure and can not afford to take material or take it down on the way to paste.

Countermeasures: Adjust the pressure steep slope to the required pressure value of the equipment (such as 0.5~ 0.6Mpa--YAMAHA chip machine), clean the pressure pipeline, and repair the leaking gas path;

Reason 5: program problem, the component parameters in the edited program are not set correctly, and the parameters of the physical size and brightness of the incoming material are not consistent with the identification and are discarded.

Countermeasure: Modify component parameters, search component parameter Settings;

Reason 6: The problem of incoming materials, irregular incoming materials, for the lead oxidation and other unqualified products.

Countermeasures: IQC should test incoming materials and contact component suppliers;

Cause 7: Problems with the feeder, deformation of the feeder position, poor feeding of the feeder (damage to the spiny gear of the feeder, no material belt holes stuck on the spiny gear of the feeder, foreign matter under the feeder, aging springs, or electrical defects), resulting in failure to take the material or poor take the material and throw the material, and damage to the feeder.

Countermeasures: Adjust the feeder, clean the feeder platform, replace the broken parts or the feeder;
