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The patch machine should be maintained regularly

Classification:Industry dynamics Release time:2023-02-28 691 hits

1, the machine has passed the warranty p...

1, the machine has passed the warranty period, long-term operation, can not carry out a comprehensive professional maintenance of the machine, some parts of the machine has hidden dangers (such as: The wear of the machine line, the wear of the cable rack, the loosening of the motor, the screw fixing screws, etc., some mechanical parts are not good, the parameter setting is wrong, etc.), the hidden trouble can not be solved in time, the mounting machine is bound to pose a threat to the normal production of the machine in the future, so it is necessary to carry out major maintenance of the machine, timely inspection and discovery of the hidden trouble in the machine and solve it. Thus, the failure frequency of the machine is reduced and the production efficiency is improved.

2, large maintenance of the machine, can effectively reduce the rate of throwing material, reduce the number of alarms, improve the production efficiency of the machine, improve the production quality;

3. Clean and lubricate the moving parts of the machine. The operation of the machine for a long time, due to improper environmental control, there will be a lot of dust stuck in the moving part (such as: screw, guide rail, slider, transmission belt, motor coupling, etc.). If you can not get timely professional maintenance and cleaning of the active part of the machine, the machine will run under overload for a long time, which is bound to affect the service life of the machine;

4. Disassemble and clean the internal air path, solenoid valve, vacuum generator, cylinder, etc. If the oil dirt in the gas path can not be cleaned in time, it will block the gas path, resulting in poor gas path, resulting in high throwing material; In serious cases, the oil accumulated in the gas path will corrode the solenoid valve, vacuum generating device, cylinder and other internal seals and components, resulting in damage to the components, seriously affecting the normal use of the machine;

5, the machine after a long time of operation, the relevant parts of the machine wear, deformation, aging, small deviation between the running-in of the parts and other phenomena, the original parameters of the machine have been unable to adapt to the current situation of the machine, the accuracy of the machine has been affected, so it is necessary to adjust the machine regularly, the machine makes the machine in the state of high precision production, Improve the quality of products;

6, clean and disassemble the dust and dirt on the surface of the machine and the circuit board, so as to avoid poor heat dissipation in the machine due to dust and dirt, resulting in partial overheating and burning of the electrical appliances.
