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苏州Technological innovation and development trend of SMT machine

Classification:Company news Release time:2024-08-08 283 hits

With the rapid development of science an...

With the rapid development of science and technology, SMT technology is also constantly innovating and upgrading. This paper will discuss the latest technological innovation of the SMT machine and the future development trend.

First, technological innovation

High-precision visual recognition system: Advanced machine vision technology is used to achieve accurate recognition and positioning of components and improve mounting accuracy.

Flexible feed system: Optimize feed design, improve feed efficiency and flexibility, and adapt to different sizes and types of components.

Intelligent control system: integration of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things and big data to achieve remote monitoring, fault diagnosis and intelligent scheduling of the placement machine.

Second, future development trend

In the future, the SMT machine will pay more attention to the development of intelligence, integration and green. The intelligent control system will further improve the automation level and production efficiency of the SMT machine; Integrated design will make the SMT machine and other automation equipment seamless docking, forming a more efficient production line; Green production will focus on the application of energy saving and emission reduction and environmentally friendly materials to reduce the impact on the environment.
