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苏州Patch machine change procedure steps

Classification:Company news Release time:2023-11-17 584 hits

1. Confirm the correctness and applicabi...

1. Confirm the correctness and applicability of the new procedure. Ensure that the new program matches the model and specifications of the mounter and can meet the production needs.

2. On the operation interface of the mounter, find the option of program replacement or program management. This is usually in the main screen or menu.

3, select the program to be replaced, and upload or import a new program file. Some mounters may support the transfer of program files through USB, network connection, etc.

4, after the import of the new program, the placement machine for appropriate Settings and adjustments. This may include adjusting parameters such as the position, speed, and force of the paste head, as well as setting corresponding production parameters such as material type and quantity.

5, after the completion of the setting, conduct a trial run to observe the operation of the mounter. Ensure that the new program works properly, and that the material is mounted accurately, at the right speed, and with the right force.

6, in the process of trial operation, if any problems or abnormal conditions are found, the operation should be stopped immediately, and the program should be properly adjusted and optimized. This may require repeated trial runs and adjustments until the desired mount effect is achieved.

7. After successful trial operation, formal production operation can be carried out. In the production process, we should pay close attention to the operation of the mounter, find and deal with any problems in time to ensure the smooth progress of production.
