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苏州How to control the production cost of Samsung chip machine and improve production efficiency?

Classification:Company news Release time:2023-04-20 756 hits

1. Identify system problemsSamsung SMT c...

1. Identify system problems

Samsung SMT card in the process of identifying materials, if there is a system problem, the lens is not clear, impurities will interfere with the machine recognition. When the identification light source is not selected properly, the system will be seriously damaged. The surface of the identification system should be cleaned regularly, the lens should be kept clean, and the intensity and gray level of the light source should be adjusted appropriately. When identifying system parts are damaged, they should be replaced in time.

2. Vacuum problem

When the pressure on the Samsung SMT card is insufficient, the vacuum pipe channel is not smooth, foreign bodies enter and block the vacuum channel. If an appeal occurs, it will fall during the paste process as the material is picked up. The pressure gradient should be adjusted to a reasonable value and the air pressure line should be cleaned to repair the air circuit.
