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北京Fault analysis and elimination of mounting errors

Classification:Company news Release time:2024-04-25 478 hits

Fault analysis and elimination of mounti...

Fault analysis and elimination of mounting errors

(1) The components are pasted incorrectly or the polarity direction is wrong

1, patch programming error: modify the patch program.

2, pick up programming error or wrong feeder location: modify the pick up program, change the material station.

3, transistors, electrolytic capacitors and other polar components, different manufacturers of braid direction is not consistent: replace braid components should pay attention to the polarity direction, found inconsistent to modify the patch program.

4, to the vibration feeder slide pipe device and the feeder programming direction is not consistent: to the vibration feeder slide to pay attention to the direction of the device.

(2) The mounting position deviates from the coordinate position

1. Chip programming error: Modify component coordinates when individual component positions are inaccurate; The PCB Mark can be modified when the whole board is offset.

2, component thickness setting error: modify the component library program.

3, the height of the sticker head is too high, the component is dropped from a height: reset the height of the Z axis, so that the distance between the bottom of the component welding end and the PCB surface is equal to the diameter of the larger solder ball.

4, the height of the sticker head is too low, so that the component slides: reset the height of the Z axis, so that the distance between the bottom of the component welding end and the PCB surface is equal to the diameter of the larger solder ball.

5, the installation speed is too fast; X, Y, Z axis and Angle T too fast: Reduce speed.

(3) The components are cracked or damaged during installation

1, PCB deformation: replace the PCB or PCB heating, pressure treatment.

2. The height of the mounting head is too low: the height of the mounting head should be adjusted with the PCB thickness and the height of the mounted components.

3, mounting pressure is too large: readjust the mounting pressure.

4, the size of the PCB support column is incorrect, the distribution of the PCB support column is uneven: the number of support columns is too small, replace the support column that matches the PCB thickness, and the distribution of the support column is balanced; Add support posts.

5, the component itself is fragile: replace the component.
