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北京What are the types of SMT machines

Classification:Company news Release time:2024-04-12 455 hits

There is no fixed way to classify the pl...

There is no fixed way to classify the placement machine, and according to different purposes, the placement machine has different classification methods.

1. Classified by patch

This classification method is not commonly used in practical production, and is only used in theoretical analysis. According to the type of placement, the placement machine can be divided into four types: sequential, online, synchronous and simultaneous/online.

2, according to the patch speed (patch rate) classification

According to the placement speed classification, the placement machine can be divided into low speed, medium speed, high speed and mass placement system (the placement rate is greater than 20,000 /h).

(1) Low-speed placement machine: the placement rate of low-speed placement machine is less than 3000 pieces /h. The mounting cycle time is usually less than 1s/ point, which is usually suitable for product trial production, new product development, small batch production and special SMC/SMD mounting.

(2) Medium speed placement machine: The placement rate of medium speed placement machine is usually 3000-8000 pieces /h, and the placement cycle time is usually 1-0.5s/ point. It is suitable for SMC/SMD with wide scale, rich accessories, perfect functions, high chip accuracy, and certain production efficiency occasions. The performance price of the equipment is relatively moderate, and it is the preferred equipment for small and medium-sized batch production.

(3) High-speed placement machine: the placement rate of high-speed placement machine is more than 8000 pieces /h, and the placement cycle time is less than 0.4s/ point. It has high production efficiency and is suitable for mass production, especially for the production of a large number of chip capacitors, chip resistors, small SMDS and a small number of special SMDS.

3. Classification by degree of automation

Can be divided into automatic mechatronics placement machine and manual placement machine, now most of the placement machine is fully automatic mechatronics placement machine. Manual placement machine is mainly used for new product development, with the advantage of low price, which is characterized by the manual placement head installed in the Y axis head, X, Y, e positioning can be corrected by the movement and rotation of the human hand.
