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北京The placement machine equipment needs attention in the south

Classification:Company news Release time:2024-03-07 476 hits

The children in the north can not imagin...

The children in the north can not imagine the ceiling and wall rain is what is going on, but our children in the south should understand their own specialty - back to the south. Back to the south of the humid day, the family to deal with small tricks everyone has basically mastered, today to talk about the placement machine equipment in the south of the day may have some impact and some need to pay attention to:

1. Moisture-proof and moisture-proof: try to keep the workshop dry, you can use desiccant or dehumidifier to reduce the ambient humidity, such as air conditioning can play a good dehumidification effect.

2. Power safety: Pay attention to check whether the power cord, plug and socket of the device are dry to avoid short circuit or leakage caused by humidity. At the same time, avoid frequent switching on and off, reduce unnecessary switching on and off operations, so as to avoid unnecessary damage to the equipment in a humid environment.

3. Cleaning and maintenance: Regularly clean the dust on the surface of the equipment and the control board inside the machine to keep the equipment clean and prevent the dust from absorbing water vapor and becoming wet.

4. Equipment rust prevention: For equipment with more metal parts, appropriate anti-rust measures can be taken, such as applying anti-rust agent.

5. Monitoring and maintenance: regularly check the operating status of the equipment, and timely repair or maintenance if there is an anomaly.

6. Pay attention to lightning protection: Thunderstorms may occur on the southward day. Take lightning protection measures to prevent lightning strikes on devices.
