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北京SMT equipment failure experience sharing

Classification:Company news Release time:2023-08-03 891 hits

When the device is faulty, you can perfo...

When the device is faulty, you can perform the following steps:

Collect information: First, understand the working principle and fault symptoms of the device, and determine the possible causes and locations of the fault.

Fault diagnosis: Check whether the device is faulty by observing, touching, and testing, including whether the device can be started and whether there is an abnormal sound or smell.

Make a troubleshooting plan: According to the fault symptoms and possible causes of the equipment, make a troubleshooting plan to determine the parts that need to be checked and the sequence.

Check according to the troubleshooting plan: Check and test one by one according to the troubleshooting plan, record the detection results, and analyze the cause of the fault.

Repair: According to the test results, the damaged components are identified and repaired or replaced.

Testing and commissioning: After completing the maintenance, testing and commissioning are carried out to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

When troubleshooting, note the following:

Check in the order of easy first, hard first, outside first, inside first.

It is possible to reduce disassembly and moving parts to reduce further expansion of failures.

Pay attention to the safety of the device to avoid personal injury.

Remain calm during the investigation process and do not blindly repair and replace components.

If you are not familiar with the principle and maintenance methods of the equipment, you should seek the help of professionals in time.

Record important information in the process of troubleshooting, such as test results and maintenance process, so as to facilitate subsequent repair and maintenance.

When troubleshooting a device, you can select an appropriate method based on the device type, working principles, and fault symptoms. Common screening methods include:

Resistance method: By measuring the resistance value to judge the quality of the component.

Current method: By measuring the current value to determine whether the circuit is normal.

Voltage method: By measuring the voltage value to determine whether there is an anomaly in the circuit.

Instrument testing method: Use a variety of professional instruments to test and measure the circuit.

Direct detection method: Determine the cause of failure by direct observation and contact with the component.

Step-by-step elimination method: Determine the fault point by eliminating the possible causes one by one.

Debugging parameter method: Solve the fault problem by adjusting the parameter value in the circuit.

It is important to keep calm, patient and focused when troubleshooting equipment. Do not ignore details and safety issues because you are eager to solve the problem, so as not to cause further losses and expand the scope of failure. At the same time, if you encounter problems that cannot be solved, you should seek professional help and guidance in time.

Analytical thinking is important:

When a device fails, in addition to the above troubleshooting steps and common methods, you can also add the following analysis ideas to help troubleshooting:

Failure mode analysis: The failure mode of the equipment is analyzed to determine whether it is a single failure mode or a compound failure mode. Single failure mode means that only one part of the device fails, while compound failure mode means that multiple parts fail at the same time. By analyzing the failure mode, the cause and location of the failure can be better determined.

Component failure analysis: If component failure is detected, component failure analysis can be performed to determine the cause and process of component failure. Failure analysis can help determine the cause and mechanism of component damage by analyzing the structure, material and working state of the component.

Signal analysis: For the electrical system or control system of the equipment, the cause of the failure can be determined by signal analysis. Signal analysis can be done by sampling, measuring and recording the signals in the circuit or control system, and then analyzing and processing the signals to determine the cause and location of the fault.

Simulation experiment: If the working principle of the equipment is more complex or difficult to test directly, the working state and fault situation of the equipment can be simulated by the method of simulation experiment to further analyze and judge the cause of the failure.

Data analysis: For some equipment related to computers or digital equipment, the working status and fault situation of the equipment can be analyzed by data analysis. Data analysis You can process and analyze data such as sensor data, running logs, and fault records to help determine the fault cause and location.

By adding the above analysis ideas, the fault situation and causes of the equipment can be more comprehensively understood, and the efficiency and accuracy of troubleshooting can be improved. However, when performing any analysis, follow the safety principles to ensure safe operation and avoid personal injury. At the same time, if you encounter problems that cannot be solved, you should seek professional help and guidance in time.

Necessary Skills:

Seven basic spells: see, hear, touch, smell, measure, examine, and judge

1, look -- Observe the situation of each part, common running and leaking phenomenon, pipeline vibration, look at the fault code, look at the historical trend.

2, listen -- equipment abnormal sound, common equipment alarm sound, equipment operation sound, air leakage and other abnormal sounds.

3, touch -- equipment vibration, heat, freezing and other abnormal phenomena.

4, smell -- equipment odor, the main common equipment heating and short circuit.

5, measurement -- Use a multimeter to measure the power supply voltage, current, insulation resistance and so on.

6, check -- check the technical information, check the meaning of the fault code and related fault information.

7, judgment -- judgment analysis, according to the abnormal phenomenon to be integrated, analyze the cause of the failure.
