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北京What are the common forms of the chip feeder

Classification:Company news Release time:2023-06-06 882 hits

What are the common forms of the chip fe...

What are the common forms of the chip feeder:

1. Tray feeder

Pallet feeder can be divided into single-layer structure and multi-layer structure, single-layer pallet feeder is directly installed on the feeder frame of the placement machine, occupying a number of bins, suitable for the tray type material is not much; Multi-layer pallet feeder material has multi-layer automatic transfer tray, occupying small space, compact structure, suitable for the tray material is more than the case, tray components are mostly a variety of IC integrated circuit components.

2, belt feeder

Belt feeder is a commonly used in the feeder of the chip machine, the traditional structure of wheeled, claw, pneumatic and multi-pitch electric, has now developed into a high-precision electric, high-precision electric and traditional structure relative, transmission accuracy is higher, feed faster, more compact structure, more stable performance, greatly improving production efficiency.

3. Bulk box feeder

Bulk box feeder, also known as the vibration feeder, its working mode is to freely load the components into the molded plastic box or bag, through the vibration feeder or feed the components into the chip machine in turn, this method is usually used in MELF and small shape guide components, only applicable to non-polar rectangular and cylindrical components, but not for polar components.

4, pipe feeder

Tubular feeders usually use vibration feeders to ensure that the components in the tube continue to enter the slot suction position, and generally PLCC and SOIC are fed in this way. The tubular feeder has the characteristics of good protection of the component pin, poor stability and standardization, and low production efficiency.
