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北京High-speed laminating machine template paper manufacturing process?

Classification:Company news Release time:2023-06-03 1400 hits

Because the solder paste printed by the ...

Because the solder paste printed by the metal template and metal scraper is relatively full, sometimes the thickness of the printing is too thick, which can be corrected by reducing the thickness of the template.

Solder paste is a combination of tin powder and rosin (resin), the function of rosin is to remove the oxidation on the component pins, pads and tin beads at the reflowing stage of the furnace, this stage at 150? C Lasts about three minutes. Solder is an alloy of lead, tin and silver, reflow at about 220 C in the second stage of the reflow furnace at Shenzhen Jintuo.

Viscosity is an important characteristic of the solder paste, we beg it in the printing stroke, the lower its viscosity, the better the fluidity, easy to flow into the template hole, printed on the PCB pad. After printing, the solder paste stays on the PCB pad, and its high viscosity maintains its filled shape without collapsing down.

The standard viscosity of the solder paste is about 500kcps~1200kcps, and the more typical 800kcps is ideal for template screen printing. There is a practical and economical way to determine whether the solder paste can have viscosity, if the solder paste does not slip, it is too thick and the viscosity is too low.
