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北京SMT mounter discarding reasons

Classification:Company news Release time:2023-05-17 862 hits

SMT placement machine casting reason 1: ...

SMT placement machine casting reason 1: the placement machine nozzle deformation, blocking, damage to form a lack of air pressure, leakage, the formation of suction can not be, take the material is not correct, identify through and throw the material. This is a major reason for the domestic LED placement machine. Countermeasure: Clean and replace the nozzle.

SMT machine casting reason two: SMT machine vision is poor, vision or laser lens is not cleaned, there is debris interference identification, identification light source adjustment and intensity gray is not enough, and may identify the system has been broken. Generally, the camera lens has dust or is blocked by debris. Countermeasures: Clean and wipe the appearance of the identification system, adhere to clean and no debris stains, adjust the intensity and gray level of the light source, and replace the components of the identification system.

Reason 3: The placement machine is not in the central position of the material, the height of the material is not correct (generally 0.05MM after touching zero) and the formation of offset, the material is not correct, there is offset, and the identification does not match the corresponding data parameters and is discarded by the identification system as invalid material. Countermeasure: adjust the bearing of taking material.

SMT machine material throwing reason four: lack of pressure of the SMT machine, the vacuum pipe channel is not smooth, there are foreign bodies blocking the vacuum channel, or there are vacuum leaks forming a lack of pressure and can not afford to take material or fall on the way to paste after picking up. Countermeasures: Adjust the air pressure to the required pressure value of the equipment (such as 0.5~ 0.6Mpa), clean the air pressure pipeline, and repair the leakage path.

SMT material throwing reason five: The component parameters of the modified SMT mounter program are not set correctly, and the parameters such as the scale and brightness of the incoming materials are not recognizable and are discarded. Countermeasure: Modify component parameters and search component parameter Settings.

SMT machine throwing reason six: The chip components are irregular, for the lead oxidation and other unqualified products. Countermeasure: IQC to do incoming material inspection, contact the component supplier.

SMT placement machine throwing reason seven: placement machine feeder (Feida) azimuth-deformation, poor feeding feeder feeder spine gear damage, material belt is not stuck on the feeder spine gear, there are foreign bodies under the feeder, spring aging or electrical failure, resulting in the failure to take material or poor take material and throw material, and the feeder is damaged. Countermeasures: Adjust the feeder, clean the feeder platform, replace the broken parts or the feeder.
