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北京What about scraper solder paste in SMT production?

Classification:Company news Release time:2023-05-06 962 hits

In SMT production, the solder paste stic...

In SMT production, the solder paste sticks to the scraper and does not easily fall off. I wonder if it is because the solder paste is too dry. Or is it caused by something else?

The solution to the problem is as follows:

1. Is the solder paste too dry or expired? Is the viscosity appropriate? Is the dosage appropriate? What's the temperature in the paste press? How long has the solder paste been in the press?

2, check whether there is a problem with the scraper, the Angle of the scraper, the printing temperature and humidity, the solder paste mixing time and so on will affect the printing quality.

3, the solder paste is not sticky, the activity is not good, replace the solder paste.

When SMT production scraper solder paste, you can refer to the above reasons to solve the problem.
